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Gynaecomastia | RJ CLINIC

Gynaecomastia is a common condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males. It affects individuals of all ages and can be a source of physical and psychological distress. This webpage aims to provide a comprehensive overview of gynaecomastia, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.


Gynaecomastia also known as man boobs or moobs, refers to the abnormal growth of male breast tissue, resulting in breast enlargement. It is a benign enlargement of the mammary glands develop in males.

An imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels often causes the development of breast tissue. Estrogen is a female hormone and testosterone is a male hormone. Gynaecomastia can occur in one or both breasts and may affect individuals of all ages, from newborns to elderly men.

In general, gynaecomastia is the convergence of two characteristics:

  • Development of mammary glands.

  • Excess fat tissue.

The condition of pseudo-gynaecomastia occurs when fat tissue increases without the growth of mammary gland. It is usually seen in obese or overweight patients.

The cosmetic condition can have an adverse effect on personal and social relationships. People affected by this condition may try to hide it by changing their behaviour. For example, avoiding uncovering their torso in public.

Gynaecomastia Man boobs | RJ CLINIC


There are several factors that can contribute to the development of gynaecomastia. These include hormonal imbalances, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, lifestyle factors, and genetic predisposition. Hormonal changes during puberty, aging, or due to certain medical conditions can disrupt the normal hormone balance and lead to gynaecomastia.


The main symptom of gynaecomastia is the enlargement of breast tissue. However, individuals with gynaecomastia may also experience tenderness or pain in the breasts.

It is important to differentiate gynaecomastia from other conditions such as breast cancer, which can present similar symptoms. A complete medical history and physical examination are usually needed to diagnose gynaecomastia. Additional tests, like blood tests or imaging studies, may be required to rule out other potential causes.

Gynaecomastia | RJ CLINIC



How to get rid of man boobs? The treatment of gynaecomastia depends on its underlying cause, severity, and duration. In some cases, gynaecomastia may resolve on its own without any intervention.

However, if gynaecomastia persists or causes significant physical or psychological distress, treatment options are available. The following are commonly used treatment approaches:


Man Boobs can be caused by lifestyle factors such as obesity or excessive alcohol consumption. Making changes to lifestyle can help reduce breast tissue enlargement in these cases. These changes may include lose weight with regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing alcohol consumption.


Certain medications may be prescribed to treat gynecomastia. These medications work by either reducing estrogen levels or blocking the effects of estrogen on breast tissue. Medication treatment is usually more successful for recent-onset gynaecomastia. It may not be as effective for cases that have lasted a long time.


Surgery is an option for individuals with severe or persistent gynaecomastia. There are two main surgical procedures used to treat gynaecomastia:

  • Traditional Liposuction: This procedure involves the removal of excess fat from the breast area using a suction technique with local anesthetic. Liposuction is suitable for individuals with predominantly fatty breast tissue.

  • Mastectomy: In cases where there is a significant amount of glandular breast tissue, surgical excision may be necessary. This procedure removes the excess breast tissue and reshapes the chest contour.

  • Laser lipolysis (laser lipo), also known as Lipolaser, is a technique that uses laser technology. It removes fat tissue with less trauma and greater safety than traditional methods. This method of treatment involves using a laser with a wavelength of 1444 nm that specifically target fat cells. The laser destroys fatty tissue, which in turn tightens the skin and stimulates collagen formation. 

Males typically do not accumulate a large amount of fat deposits in their breasts. However, the pectoral chest muscles and armpit skin may become flaccid especially in older men. This is why skin retraction is very important is tthe treatment process.

​ Laser lipolysis is indicated for two purposes. Firstly, to treat the glandular and fat tissue and secondly, to remove fat from the breasts caused by excessive weight.​

Laser lipolysis results treatment are permanent and successful:

It removes 85% of the glandular tissue and excess fat from the breasts.

The skin remains firm and totally adjusted to the new outline of the pectorals, with no flaccidity.

Scarring is minimal, practically invisible.

Results are definitive as far as volume is concerned, just one month after the Laser lipolysis treatment. The skin may take a little longer to complete its contraction, since collagen and elastin regeneration is not an immediate process.


Gynaecomastia can have a significant psychological impact on individuals, leading to decreased self-esteem, body image issues, and social withdrawal. It is crucial to address the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals affected by gynaecomastia. Support groups, counseling, and therapy can provide valuable support and help individuals cope with the emotional aspects of the condition.

Manboob is a common condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue

in males. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, lifestyle factors, or genetic predisposition. Treatment options include lifestyle modifications, medications, and surgical interventions.

It is important to seek medical evaluation and discuss treatment options with a healthcare professional. Additionally, addressing the psychological impact and seeking support is essential for individuals affected by gynaecomastia.



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2 days rest


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